Great Film, Went Under Many Radars
11 July 2013
The theory of evolution and a re-write of American history are caught in the cross-hairs when an unabashed Young Earth Creationist seeks re-election as chairman of America's most influential Board of Education.

Noted leftie Michael Moore stated, "I hope every American sees this film," and called The Revisionaries "a must-see film for anyone concerned about enforced ignorance and intolerance, and for those who still believe in science and in Thomas Jefferson." As much as it pains me to put a Moore quote in here, he is right -- this is something anyone concerned about education should see. Texas is powerful with textbook companies, and it seems they can literally rewrite history...

The hip-hop and country music debate was odd (and had brief moments of racial tension that were interesting), and then the whole social studies part... when it starts with a guy who believes people lived with dinosaurs, you think this will be strictly another evolution in schools documentary. But then you see how really strange the board members can get...
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