This show really is CRIMINAL
20 May 2013
Why is this show even on the air in select places? Kevin Ross is not a judge anymore and was disbarred by the State Bar of California.

Kevin Ross was a judge in the Los Angeles courts at one time. Unfortunately, he treated his courtroom like his own little kingdom and regularly abused the rights of people coming before him. (Do a Google search for the Los Angeles Times article on this, published Nov. 17, 2005.) He violated so many people's rights, that the Commission on Judicial Performance (California's governing body over Judges in the State) conducted an investigation.

At the end of their investigation, they REVOKED Kevin Ross' judgeship, and the State Bar of California also DISBARRED this guy from ever practicing law in California again.

So now he ends up doing a TV show as a "Judge"?? Not only is that ludicrous, the show is awful. As another reviewer here said, it's legal lite, as though the Judge doesn't have a breadth of the law. Well... he doesn't! Not when he consistently violated the rights of people appearing in his real courtroom when he was a Judge.
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