In the House (2012)
just a little too much fantasy here
9 April 2013
Extremely well directed, with fine performances all round and marvellous dialogue, at once inspiring and amusing but there is a problem. I should probably stay quiet and not mention this. This film has been acclaimed all over and nobody seems to have mentioned it. I feel that I must at least allude to the proverbial 'elephant in the room'. However well this is dressed and it is indeed, well dressed with some super lines and if it veers a little too close to becoming a Woody Allen parody, it is still well done. But, it surely has to be faced that, interesting and insightful a view of marriage that it is, it is a gay view. I just don't buy the notion that the traditional father son relationship has gay connotations, they just might play sports together but surely not shower together like this. Neither do I buy the central gay conceit, indulged in previously in Pasolini's, Theorem, that a good looking boy can sleep his way through a traditional household. So just a little too much fantasy here methinks.
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