Exit Humanity (2011)
Lousy sound track prevented me from watching this flick, alas!
28 March 2013
This appeared to be a promising film, but I am unable to get past the first 15 minutes or so because the sound track is so dreadful, often with music and "FX" running loudly in the background.

Where the technical people placed the microphones, I don't know, but this presentation is unforgivable.

The narrator has a very low, mumbly voice ~~ to make matters worse.

I give this film 4 out of 10, cannot be more generous I'm afraid. There is little more that I can add to make this review up to 10 lines, other than my absolute amazement at the stupidity of the producers in allowing this motion picture to be released as is. Yes, it had great promise, but it has been utterly ruined by the sound track and the MUMBLY voiced narrator who is overly-dramatic and sounds silly.
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