Very important health and nutrition information for everyone
14 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of the best films that I've seen on the subject of health and nutrition. Most of my friends who have seen it say they wish they had known what they learned from the film years ago. The scientific data is clearly communicated in a way that is understandable by the general public. Let's face it, most of us do not have a degree in human nutrition and are not capable of naming amino acids, or describing the function of endothelial cells. Most people learned all they know of nutrition from the USDA food pyramid and/or their parents, which leaves them nutritionally illiterate. The consequences on our health are dramatic, and fortunately preventable.

For those who want to dig into all the studies and scientific details there are plenty of resources from the contributing guests (Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease, by Dr Esselstyn, The China Study, by T Colin Campbell, The Starch Solution by Dr McDougall, and plenty more). After seeing the film and understanding the "why" behind the recommendations, the companion recipe books provide the "how" for evolving our diet.

I see that often detractors forget several key elements of the information presented. These studies have been performed by many researchers and doctors, not just one they want to pick on. They have been done over decades and on massive numbers of people. The conclusions are used today to reverse heart disease, diabetes type 2, erectile dysfunction, some cancers, and more. Non-scientists with no health or nutrition degree or peer reviewed articles published in leading scientific journals are *not* in a position to contradict the world's leading experts, but that sure doesn't stop them from thinking they can. Those who prove what they say is true with their actions are who the population needs to listen to; not those who deny what is clearly proved by doctors and the patients they heal on a daily basis. Deniers of the conclusions of Forks Over Knives are like people arguing that the Earth is flat despite the crushing evidence to the contrary.
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