Nifty slasher send-up
13 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
A mysterious killer dressed up as a greenskeeper bumps off the stuck-up snobs at a posh country club with various golf tools. Directors Kevin Greene, Adam Johnson, and Tripp Norton, working from a blithely inane script by Greene and Alex Weir, relate the entertainingly silly story at a steady pace, maintain an affable tongue-in-cheek tone throughout, and poke affectionate fun at assorted slice'n'dice movie clichés (for example, certain characters clearly mark themselves for doom by smoking pot, snorting coke, and doing the deed). Moreover, it's acted with enthusiasm by a game no-name cast: Alledon Ruggiero makes for a likable hero as lovable loser assistant greenskeeper Allen Anderson, Thomas Merdis is likewise engaging as the easygoing Otis Washington, Ron Lester brings a laid-back charm to his role as amiable stoner Styles, and Melissa Ponzio radiates tremendous appeal as the sweet Elena Rodriguez. The inventively gory murder set pieces deliver the grisly goods. Matthew MacCarthy's sunny cinematography gives the picture an attractive bright look and offers several strikingly creepy images of the psycho greenskeeper stalking his victims. King Winger's funky-bumping score hits the right-on groovy spot. As a yummy extra plus, buxom blonde Playboy model Christi Taylor bares her beautifully bountiful breasts. An enjoyable little flick.
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