Not that interesting for an Ending
7 March 2013
The stage changes to Japan where Chicken (Jordan Chan) marries a Japanese Yakuza boss' daughter.

The story is rather same ol, same ol. There's senseless fighting between the gangs, and a traitor within the clan. It's rather a pat formula for this series. The movie is oriented for the juvenile audience who's looking for the cool in these movies, so I guess the story is designed to meet these expectations.

But one thing I can say about this series is that it was gritty compared to other comedic happy Hong Kong movies of the '90s. In this respect, it was singularly unique.

All the movies in this series has a disorganized look to it. I'm not sure why this is, but Ekin Chen and Jordan Chan and few others were the only characters that had discipline in their acting. In this movie, the acting style of Jordan Chan, Sonny Chiba, Anya, and Roy Chueng didn't match at all. I also wish that Sandra Ng would stop spoiling the mood of every movie she stars in. Her character was totally unnecessary.

So more of the same, but there was closure (or was there ?) to the story, and the series ends with a not so interesting of an ending.
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