Meddling Mom (2012 TV Movie)
Mindless and vapid
23 February 2013
Vapid, mindless, shallow, hollow, insipid, boring. Actually, calling it shallow implies it has a little depth... but it has absolutely no depth. It is thoroughly uninspiring, uninteresting and boring. Furthermore, it is uninspired, colorless, uninteresting, feeble, flat, dull, boring, tedious, tired, unexciting, uninspiring, unimaginative, lifeless, tame, vacuous, bland, trite, jejune. It is unimaginative, uninspired, characterless, flat, uninteresting, lackluster, drab, dry, humdrum, ho-hum, monochrome, tedious, uneventful, run- of-the-mill, commonplace, pedestrian, trite, tired, hackneyed, stale, lame, wishy-washy, colorless, anemic, lifeless. I did not like it at all.
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