A complete failure despite its potential
9 February 2013
Bloodbath at the House of Death did have a lot of potential, a talented cast and writer and a great title being the starting points. But the execution undermines this, so in the end Bloodbath at the House of Death is a failure. It is not without redeeming merits though, the film is not badly made, Vincent Price while underused looks and sounds as though he is thoroughly enjoying himself and the Can Opener and toilet scenes are very effective. However, I just didn't find Bloodbath at the House of Death all that funny or horrifying. I do love comedy and I don't mind it when it is stupid and rude, but I've never liked it all that much when it's distasteful. And Bloodbath at the House of Death showed great distaste, the toilet humour is utterly infantile and the innuendos are incredibly smutty making the worst Carry On movie(the later entries had a lot of smut) seem tame. The dialogue is similarly unfunny, crude and somewhat stilted too, I even questioned whether Bary Cryer actually had anything to do with the writing at all. The story is very thin structurally and doesn't make any sense at all. I got the parodies but with two exceptions they seemed randomly strung together(and that is pretty much what the story was) and were too predictable and badly written to have any kind of impact. The ET parody was also rendered cheaply. The direction was leaden, and the entire cast were wasted. Only Price was good and even he deserved much better. Kenny Everett was very talented and evidently does try very hard but the quality of the humour here disallowed him to do anything interesting or fun with what he has. The rest of the cast don't make any kind of impression. All in all, a embarrassing failure for all involved. 3/10 Bethany Cox
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