FrackNation (2013)
Nice presentation of the frack industry
6 February 2013
Finally had time to sit down with the DVR and watch this tonight. Had seen Gasland. Very well done and nicely presented. Not the theatrics and hype of Gasland. It seemed ethical and fairly unbiased. I enjoyed seeing both sides of the coin, as it were. Living in TX and having worked in the fracking industry; I was curious to see how it would be betrayed. Well done! I don't think HBO needs to pay for a Gasland 2. Maybe a FrackNation 2 would be a better investment. I do feel for the folks of Dimock. Their small, quiet farm life has become a source of invasion. I hope these farmers are able to save their land either through fracking or some other means. If there is a part 2, while I hate to see them invaded again, it would be nice to see if they were able to save the farms.
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