White Knuckles review
28 January 2013
As a child I watched the dust appear in the sunlight coming in through the window, then dance as in a fairy tale, and slowly disappear. That is how the relationship between Julie and William appeared to me. They loved once, danced, and slowly faded. I watched this film with a group of friends, all older women who had done the same thing. Some made it through the tough times in their marriage and some didn't. We all understood. We hurt for both Julie's desperation, and William's pain. We had to wonder if the two lead actors had been there at some point in their own personal lives as they were "true" to lost love and the need for more. This film touched us all, kept us interested, and was beautifully acted. It's about time there was a film about older people's struggles. Let's see more films of this type, and more older people in films in general.
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