Offender (2012)
Not worth watching but decent soundtrack
25 January 2013
This movie has a good start, the 'justice'-theme made clear in the early parts of the film. It's professionally done, nice camera-work and thought out takes.

But it's also obvious very soon that you're watching 'the Vicky Pollard's brother in jail show'. This one hour and 41 minutes are of the same level as Brits on holiday or at a soccer match (or on their own island for that matter): getting sloshed and high and fighting and ruining it for everybody else. Ali G or Borat (with or without mankini) would have fit in nicely.

But.. The music is very pleasing. As a matter of fact I just watched this C-film with my guitar plugged in and jamming along to the various music styles that you get to hear. Nice adaption of known songs, different styles, great! I'm thinking of putting some things in my loop machine and make jam tracks out of it.

Maybe you got interested after reading this review, but I think you should just download the soundtrack (if available).

(IMDB: why do I have to change correctly spelled words?)
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