It's Bad Luck to See the Bride Before the Marriage
3 January 2013
Pretty Dixie Chene is abut to be married to Slim Summerville besides a swimming pool stocked with baby alligators -- wait for it -- but before the minister shows up, Charles Murray and a drunken Polly Moran manage to cause quite a fuss.

Harold Lloyd is credited as the minister, but I didn't spot him -- just another minor Keystone player waiting for a break that would come elsewhere. Charles Murray is doing his Hogan character, a low fellow who gets into all sorts of mischief that propels the comedy.

Of most interest is an early example of a typical thrill comedy sequence, as Murray and Summerville -- the latter trying to kill the former -- walk across some high steel seemingly several hundred feet above the ground. This fear-of-falling gag would be a perpetual audience pleaser for several decades. If it doesn't look like much here, well, it's early days.
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