Christmas Twister (2012 TV Movie)
Uplifting in a not so good way...
24 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I rarely write reviews, but this time I just couldn't resist. This is the absolute WORST holiday movie I've had the misfortune to watch. There is just so much that is wrong with this movie--the acting, the scenery, the large chunks of dialogue that seemed like the characters were quoting passages from a text book or encyclopedia. Oh, and I really hate supposed Christmas stories that end up preaching about global warming. (Don't get me started!) Apparently the director/writer/producer/etc has a twisted and warped idea about what constitutes an uplifting Christmas story.

Why on earth was there no rain or hail when these huge twisters came through? I don't even think I heard one thunder crack or saw any lightning. And how in the heck does a tornado cause so much damage to a basement (a SUB basement at that!) and hardly any damage to the rest of the building? Did it come from the ground up??? And did that family really leave a door open? How else did that dog get out of the house?

There was one scene that kind of creeped me out. Two teenage girls sit on Santa's lap. EWWW! The tall blonde tells Santa the other wants a date with some guy named Ryan. Five minutes later, when the twister hits, a boy is locked out of the mall. Everyone just stands there, not even bothering to help him get in. The poor sap gets sucked into the tornado. Guess what! it was Ryan! That's one gift Santa won't be able to deliver.

I could go on and on about the idiocy that is this movie and the plot holes that are so big a semi could drive through them, but it's Christmas and I want to keep what remains of my sanity.

By the end, I was wishing one of those so-called twisters in the movie would bust through my TV and put me out of my misery.
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