12/12/12 (2012)
Really is it worth a laugh even?
15 December 2012
Well for say, many, many mistakes there. Extremely low budget movie about a satanic cult guy that goes around trying to steal a newborn baby that is actually the demon lord. OK,that's the premise of the movie,now it's review time .... OMG,it's too awful for words.Everyone associated w/making this movie needs to have the taste slapped outta their mouths.Seriously,avoid this movie like it's the plague.Worse than the worst movie.

I looked at the cover and thought it was worth it. Wrong! Never judge a movie by its cover.

The Asylum, has had way better movies, what happened here? It was made way to fast. When I got the movie there was no reviews on it so I was suckered ... Avoid!
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