Review of Love Bite

Love Bite (2012)
Watchable, but nothing new or original with unremarkable characters
9 November 2012
I happened to catch a screening of Love Bite tonight after the film I was trying to see was sold out. The showing had barely a handful of people and it is easy to understand why with the lack of promotion for this film. Not even a poster picture on IMDb.

The premise of Love Bite is a group of teenagers attempting to loose their virginity in the British seaside town of Rainmouth. Add the desperation factor of a werewolf intent on turning anyone who has not popped their cherry and you basically have the plot for this film.

Watching the film it just came across as poor version of Inbetweeners movie. Jamie (Ed Speleers) and his three best friends Kev (Luke Pasqualino), Bruno (Robin Morrissey) and Spike (Daniel Kendrick) spend their lives hanging around the fairground and chip shop attempting to pull women. At a party Jamie meets American travel writer Juliana (Jessica Szohr) who catches his eye.

As the action between the pair gathers pace a sub plot with werewolf hunter Sid (Timothy Spall) putting doubt in Jamie's mind that Juliana is not all it seems.

Sadly the balance of the this film is all wrong, rather than a good mix of characters you get one (Jamie) that is likable and three others who are foul-mouthed and crude. It makes the film overbearing and sadly it becomes tiring and the jokes lose any humour.

I missed the humour in this film, apart from cheap sauce squirting gags and crude one liners there were only a few laugh out loud scenes that made the film watchable. I guess this film borrows from other toilet style humour films and sort of pulls elements together to try and make something original, but doesn't quite achieve it.

Watching the film you can't help but notice that it was low budget. One scene you see the front of Claton pier as an establishing shot but Claton has been digitally replaced with the name Rainmouth. As Jamie and Juliana walk past you can then clearly see the real name in the background. It is just one of a few examples of goofs noticeable during the film.

I don't think this film will be at cinema's for long, I'd advise waiting for a DVD release rather than spending any money on seeing it on the big screen. Just about watchable, but nothing new original with unremarkable characters. 1/5
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