Great cast, solid script, killer cinematography. Yep, I'm sold.
17 October 2012

It's rare for me to do reviews, but for this film I couldn't resist. I had never heard of "Seven Psychopaths" before today. I caught a preview of it online and decided to see it on a whim. I went into the theater expecting a silly campy film about a bunch of bumbling dudes playing cops and robbers with one another over a dog.

The end results were something completely different than my expectations. I was pleasantly surprised to find out that the characters had depth and layers. The story was something unlike I'd ever really seen before, and the cinematography was brilliant. The acting was fantastic, and the script was incredible. The way the characters are able to fall away from their humorous nature and decline into a deeper and darker story makes the movie very well rounded.

The mark of a good film is one that has you laughing one minute, digging for answers to philosophical questions the next, on the edge of your seat moments later, and in tears by the end. "Seven Psychopaths" is all of this and more. It's a movie that, while it has it's funny moments, really makes you think on a deeper level. It's about more than just blowing things up and blood and gore. It's about the inner workings of troubled minds...and a stoic dog that has more personality than half of the actors in Hollywood today.
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