Joe's Hostel.
11 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Having been left extremely impressed by Marins (aka Coffin Joe) grim Gothic Horror first film,I decided today to watch one of the other films in the set,mostly due to expecting seeing the films be mostly similar to each other.

From the first 5 minutes of this,I began to suspect that Marins may be creating a film that is as far off the road of normality as it is possible to get.

View on the film:

Standing out as the lone installment Jose Mojica Marnis co-directed the film with Marcelo Motta, this change seems to be one of the main things that helped to give this film a very different "voice" to the other Coffin Joe titles.

Whilst the opening does make the movies low budget pretty obvious,Marnis and Motta impressively do not let this ruin the film,with the whole setting of the hostel being covered in an terrific infra-red colour that gets brighter as the activates in the hostel get weirder.

Along with the bold colour of the main location,Marnis and Motta also include a interesting ominous atmosphere to the film,with it being strongly suggested that Coffin Joe is far from what he may originally appear.

Although the screenplay by Marnis and Rubens Francisso Luchetti does sadly drag as the film attempts to put all of its complex cards on the table,the makers keep a fascinating mood bubbling away, thanks to the writers/directors bravely attempting to mix the movies minimalist filmed moments of Joe being philosophical on the meaning of life with a good, unsettling (mostly light) Horror feel.
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