"Mae West Stole Everything But the Cameras"!!!
9 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
....according to George Raft. Paramount realising that in Raft they had a new star on their hands, tailored a Louis Bromfield story, "Single Night", to fit Raft's smooth charm. Being the good guy that he was, he wanted to do an old friend a favour and so, saw to it that Mae West was given the part of his former girl friend. "She'll be sensational" he told Paramount who wanted to give the part to Texas Guinan. When Mae actually saw how small the part was she was very keen to cancel her contract but producer, William Le Baron, suggested that she re-write her part and from the time she hip swivelled over to the hat check girl, who had remarked "Goodness, what lovely diamonds" with "Goodness had nothing to do with it" - the movie belonged to Mae West!!! No matter that the nominal stars were George Raft and Constance Cummings and that they were both pretty terrific. Actually there is a lot going on in this movie and some super performances.

Joe Anton (Raft) is just dazzled with Jerry Healy (Cummings) who, night after night, comes to his club to sit alone at a table, talking to no one. It seems that the stately club was once her childhood home and Joe, who is already questioning his place in society, sees her not only as a lady but also the girl of his dreams. The reality is that the family fortune has been lost and she is contemplating marrying Dick Bolton (Louis Calhern) for his money. She is thrilled with the attention of Joe, who she sees as living life on the edge but he mistakes her excitement for love.

Even by the movie's start Joe is trying to improve himself by taking lessons in diction and current affairs from Mrs. Jellyman (Alison Skipworth, the funniest performance in the film). She is coaching him in world events and when he finally makes a date with Jerry, he insists Mrs. Jellyman be there too - and when she arrives she finds out just what she has been missing through her years of teaching!! Hovering in the background but soon to make a splash is Joe's current mistress Ivy (the always terrific Wynne Gibson) - she is not keen on him bettering himself and she will stop at nothing when she finds out she has been thrown over - even a shoot out with him. Gibson makes her scenes count as does West who plays Maudie. From the moment she crashes dinner, Mrs. Jellyman's life is never going to be her own again.

West is unforgettable - she just dazzled and the easy comfortable way she had with Joe made you feel that they would have been far more suited to each other than he and Jerry. She also convinces Mrs. Jellyman to go into business with her - "I'll pay you $100 a week" - no, not the world's oldest profession, perish the thought, but the beauty parlour business (yes, that's right) with Jellyman installed as manager of her newest establishment!!!!

Even though I'm a huge fan of Constance Cummings, with all the larger than life characters she tended to blend into the background and her character proved a bit unsympathetic as the movie progressed but Cumming's acting skills came to the fore in her big scene and she made you believe that she really did care for Joe at the end.
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