A corny horror and very poor ghost story
4 October 2012
Let's start with the pros: The movie is in 5.1 sound. The photography is good. The location is good.

Cons: Too much blood for a ghost story. For some reason people in the movie industry think we want tits and buckets of blood in a horror movie. Perhaps for a horror movie we do. But the sub-genre of the ghost story this is simply not necessary or wanted. Cheesy deaths. Borderline acting. Awful piano music sound track, repeating the same tune over and over. Bad, spit in your face ending. They end the movie poorly and then they rub the salt into the wound. Inexplicable happenings. A number of things vital to understanding the story are left out. I'm all for leaving the viewer to use their imagination. But sometimes there are things that have to be explained to understand the plot. I started getting sleepy during this. This is the worst sin a ghost story could commit. I never even startled slightly during it. Yes there are ghosts, but there is nothing really scary about any of them, except for one perhaps, and that one is not explained.

Summary: If you want a depressing and cheesy blood and gore horror flick then this is right up your ally. If you want a ghost story this will not satisfy. Asylum Entertainment did far better with, "The Haunting of Winchester House."
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