Never Cry Werewolf (2008 TV Movie)
Typical Canadian Film Mediocrity
18 September 2012
I see other reviews are hip to the mind numbing mediocrity of Canadian movie industry output by the low scores this pointless flick got. Feel sorry for your Canadian cousins as we must endure this mindless juvenile dreg on all our cable channels – we have no choice – plus we subsidize these "Ed Wood" film makers with our taxes.

Enough background on the reasons for Canadian film mediocrity. I just want to point out a few common traits of all these Canuck film bombs. First, all through the screenplay and dialogue you have the typical preachy Canadian politically correct ideals pushed down your throat, regardless if it destroys continuity, character development or time period or props. Messaging, always political messaging – in this bomb there was the inevitable scagging of all the urban centric political bogey men - firearms, hunters, males and hunting. The next thing is the juvenile dialogue and conceptualization in Canuck flicks – that's on display here in spades. Then there are all the technical issues like cheap sound, camera work, props, makeup and of course, acting. The people these low budget directors recruit from college drama clubs are unskilled, stiff and of course juvenile.

All in all this is another Canuck stinker that broke out of the public subsidized Canadian arts gulag and jumped the maple leaf curtain to US cable distribution – still stinks south of the 49th doesn't it. Can't recommend this movie to anyone with tastes more evolved than a high school junior from Podunk Nebraska.
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