Sleeping Dogs (2012 Video Game)
Sleeping Dogs, not what I expected (in a good and bad way)
29 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I was one of the few people who was excited about Sleeping Dogs prior to the attention it got at E3. From what I heard it had a great story and some good action.

As soon as it came out I dropped the 60 dollars, went home and unwrapped it faster than a greedy child unwrapping a Christmas present. I soon txtd my best friend and cried to him over the phone as the game literally blew my mind away, literally not figuratively, that's right...

To be honest Sleeping Dogs is a lot like oxycontin, about 15 minutes in you're high and it feels epic, however there is a come off. Before I go further lets talk about the pros and cons

Pros: Amazing story Great combat system Driving is silky smooth The side missions are fairly humorous The voice acting is top notch Wei Shen is a serious bad*** Nothing quite like taking over a hospital with the gun of a cop you just executed..

Sorry about that last one I couldn't resist to speak of my proudest moment.. Anyways

Cons: Game is too short Absolutely 0 replay value No real punishment for doing wrong Very difficult to earn cop points Absolutely no control over how the story goes. Game is inconsistent in the cool stuff you can do outside of missions (will explain) Hong Kong is tiny..

The standout of Sleeping Dogs is the incredibly epic story and the fighting/driving system. The combat system never really gets old and the driving system presents it's own amount of fun. Drive with a motorcycle straight into a small mini van, right before you hit it pull the analog stick back to do a wheelie and watch how far you soar, my record is 52. The gameplay is very entertaining and started this game at a 9.0/10.

However as I continued through the game and did everything in my power to become as Triad as possible (2 Cops points 9 1/5 Triad points)I had creeping feeling that my choices would not influence anything. The game gives you a feel of customization, just like if your father got a nice juicy burger and gave you a small piece. You get really happy and want more. However once I beat the game Wei Shen remained a cop, I was fairly saddened by this as I'd grown to like Jackie. I eventually went through and beat it as a Cop, doin all sorts of law stuff. And the game went the same way. This is my biggest problem with Sleeping Dogs. They offer you all sorts of stuff, like tricking out your place, painting whatever car you want, changing to wardrobe to whatever you want. Yet the one thing I wanted most was control over how my destiny went. This time I counted how many civilians I killed, and considering my numbers in Skyrim were 300+ (thats right I keep a log..) I came to only 70. Yet still I remained a cop. The other big problem is the game has 0 replay value and gives you a sense of "dat wasn't worth 60 bucks.." It's like ODST minus Firefight, and we all know firefight made ODST.

All in all I took it down from a 9.0 to a 7.5 and like Skyrim I felt frustrated about the lack of control I had over the story due to lack of lasting consequences. Skyrim is a bit different yes but when I realized there were no good-guy quests I turned into Satan...

Overall a 7.5 seems fitting, great gameplay and Wei Shen is very interesting but lack of replay value and control over the outcome really took away the appeal of it further into the game.

I would not recommend paying the 60 bucks, I do recommend picking it up but this isn't an instabuy type game.
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