Five and Ten (1931)
What Wealth Does
13 July 2012
After moving to New York City from Kansas, five-and-ten cent store heiress Marion Davies (as Jennifer Rarick) enters high society in style. Attending a charity event with her $5,000 donation from daddy, Ms. Davies is smitten with attractive architect Leslie Howard (as Bertram "Berry" Rhodes). But he is engaged to Mary Duncan (as Muriel Preston). While Davies decides to pursue Mr. Howard to the alter - even if it isn't her own - the rest of her family is falling apart. Strictly business-minded father Richard Bennett (as John G. Rarick) neglects wife Irene Rich (as Jenny). She sees more of gigolo Theodore von Eltz (as Ramon). And, nobody notices brother Kent Douglass Montgomery (as Avery Rarick) may headed for an emotional break-down...

Davies produced "Five and Ten" with director Robert Z. Leonard and, given the MGM team, delivers quality product. A bigger box office star than acknowledged during the "silent" 1920s, Davies was still popular, but not enough to cover production costs. Howard had enough star-quality to carry a film on his own, even this early in his career, but he and Davies are upstaged by others in the cast. One wonders if the original Fannie Hurst story had more involving the "Rarick" family. The effects of wealth on the characters is more interesting than the "love story" between Davies and Howard. An even distribution of resources and story might have helped "Five and Ten" recover costs. Watch for Mr. Montgomery's troubled "Avery" to steal the film.

****** Five and Ten (6/13/31) Robert Z. Leonard ~ Marion Davies, Leslie Howard, Douglass Montgomery, Richard Bennett
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