Conspirator (1949)
A patchwork of editing and script...a pretty poor effort
30 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Wow. After watching this I can see why it's not high on anyone's list for greatness. It's really not that good.

Where to start. How about the mish mash of a script. They jump from one scene to the next without any explanation or lead-in. They go from the two just meeting to marriage to her finding out he's a spy for the commies. I mean there are a few times when he goes and sees his handlers and such but there really needed to be more filler in this one to have and heart to it. More depth I guess. The acting performances are pretty average all the way through.

Maybe it was the script that did the editing in but some scenes jump together way too fast. They give you no time to get into the feel of each scene. To get involved as it were.

I think the only standout thing about this film at how boring and forgettable it really is. It was flat as a pancake all the way through. Robert and Elizabeth Taylor have both done better works than this by a country mile. Seek them out and run far away from this one.
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