Really not half bad!
22 May 2012
Just saw it at the festival last week and it really was a bit "cute" and "silly." It's not a film that I would walk in to with over the moon expectations, but instead expect a fun film and that will bring smiles and laughs throughout.

It was funny to watch and see how many celebs are in this piece for an independent. John Aniston's father, Chris Farley's brothers, Tony Schiena from all those action flicks, Daisy Lang - the world champion female boxer, the skateboarding dog from TV, Ed Gale, and Sam Golzari from 21 and American Dreamz. So really not a bad group of people to watch for a bit.

The story does go through a series of twists so watch carefully, but at the end it really pulls together and leaves you wanting more.

I wouldn't consider the movie thrilling, but it is definitely entertaining. If you ware looking for a light hearted film that will make you smile and giggle then this is the movie to see.
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