Spork (2010)
Heart-Warming and Sweet
21 May 2012
This was absolutely adorable. I laughed a lot as I watched the movie. I felt I could relate to both Spork and her brother. A true underdog movie, you see a family with literally NOTHING going for them and a little person trying to make sense of her mixed gender and find a place to fit in with a society with no room for people with gender issues, poverty, or orphans. It's wonderful to see the relationships of the characters with each other develop, as well as Spork learning to love and accept herself for who she is.

I loved the bright colors, the animations, and the music. The acting was excellent. I could really sympathize and laugh right along with them. The story was interesting and it didn't drag on and on.

I recommend it to anyone who isn't afraid of people different than themselves, and even more so to those who are. Open up your heart and your mind. We don't all need to fit into a specific category or caste. We're all people too!
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