29 April 2012
I am a HUGE horror fanatic, from mainstream Hollywood movies, to big budget indie flicks to B and even C movies, and I will give any horror movie under the sun a try, so if you're a big horror fan too,you can imagine I've seen some pretty bad movies.

That being said, this is probably the WORST movie I have EVER seen. Five minutes into it, I knew it was going to be bad, but I gave it a chance hoping maybe the comedy aspect or the FX would redeem it. Not only was it not even funny, but the (I admit) pretty good make-up and gore FX were limited to the last 20 minutes, and they certainly weren't good enough to make the rest of the movie worth watching. The acting was bad, there was barely a followable plot, and the worst part about everything is I think the makers of this movie really, truly tried to make a good movie. Avoid it, it's not even worthy of the 7-hundred something MB of space it took up on my hard drive. If you really, really, want to see this movie, fast-forward it through the first hour, and then it might be worth a 1-star rating. The only reason it got 1 from me is because I can't give it negative stars.
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