One Better Than All
17 March 2012
China and Poland, both are not strange to the Soviet of Russia, but the differences on film-art to the similar experiences are very distinct. The Polish film of 2011, Battle of Warsaw 1920, is better than all Chinese films on the same subject of war. Mr. Hoffman is an eminent film-director.

Bolshevik(Social Democratic Party) of Russia, after seizing power through "October Revolution of 1917" by lie and instigation, made peace with the Central Powers at March of 1918 by expense of very huge nation-interest, then concentrated robbery and slaughter within Russia, and quickly launched war against other nations in the name of "liberate the people of the world". The Polish-Soviet war took place between February of 1919 and March of 1921, eventually ended with defeat of the Soviet-Russia. The Battle of Warsaw was took place at August of 1920, which is the historical background of this film.

The film has a main storyline about invasion and anti-invasion, besides, there is another sub-line, which is the love story of Jan Krynicki and Ola Raniewska, but that's not like what some people imagine. Jan Krynicki is an officer of Polish army who had some illusion to the propaganda of Bolshevik, after experiencing a life with an officer of Cheka, Jan said to him, "you've cured me." This sub-line is very necessary, which, appears to me, is just where Hoffman's more excellent than others ordinary. Soviet-Russia claimed its invasion is not an invasion but to liberate the proletarian from capitalist of another nation, to give them freedom, how great these saviors! But it's not true, on the contrary, communist-tyranny is the most evil and most skillful institution in the human history so far. In the beginning, the communists instigated the lower class to destroy the higher class in one society, which not only the main property owners but also naturally those who holding knowledge and wisdom came from; they mocked all true honor and virtue, then labeled all mean human nature as merit. The maintenance of communist-tyranny is not a myth, it just only declared that the right of property is a shameful and corrupt matter, because they always can find some instances. After stimulating the passion of envy and revenge of the slaves(proletarian), communism must evoke strong response, and let those who dare to think the proper property institutions overwhelmed by the stupid crowd-sea. In the process of human freedom supported by aristocracy superseded by that supported by the lawyer-class is there a large gulf. The communism advocators well know that the intellectuals would become whores as long as cleaning out the base on which they live, they have no choice but only to flatter the tyrants or amuse the popular; and when few of them are aware of this shameful position one day, who would realize the worldly base on which the righteousness depends has already been dismantled. By that time, the whole society has fallen into the deep mud-pit, suffering the mischief of despotism without end, and can hardly find a way out of this disaster.
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