He's not a hero...None of us are.
25 February 2012
***MAJOR SPOILER ALERT*** Tense filled hostage drama that takes place in Dino's Last Chance Bar in New Orleans with a trio of petty crooks hold up there not knowing what exactly the surrounding police are accusing them of! As it later turned out it's one of the hostages whom the cops want for gun smuggling that the FBI set up a sting to catch him. It's in all the confusion that resulted in a deadly car chase where three cops & FBI Agents were killed that the gun smuggler found his way to Dino's Bar! That was just minutes before it was raided by the trio of petty crooks that the police were chasing thinking that their part of the gun smuggling operation. That trio consisted of the brothers Dova & Milo, Matt Dillon & Gary Sinise, and their partner the psychotic Law & Disorder or just plain Law for short, William Fichtner.

With Dova Milo & Law not knowing exactly what their wanted for and with the cops and FBI Agents not realizing whom those in the bar are, hostages and hostage takers, the tense stand off lasts for hours into the morning. That's when the police under the command of FBI Agent G.D Browning, Joe Mantegna, plan to raid the place at exactly 7:00 AM with the help of a SWAT team. As the minutes tick away the usual level headed Dova starts to lose it who against his brother Milo's, who was badly injured during the car chase, sound advice plans not to off the hostages plans to blow them all away if the cops make a move on the besieged bar. As for bar owner Dino, Emmet Walsh,who tried to be a hero and take on the trio of bandits he sadly ended up getting killed with his head bashed in, by Law, for his efforts.

***SPOILERS*** It's hostage Janet Boudreaux, Faye Dunaway,the waitress at Dino's Bar who does her best to keep the tension from boiling over and becoming deadly. That's by her advising the leader of the trio Dova that she and the rest of the hostages in the bar won't point him and his motley crew out after the police raid the joint! By her telling the police that the hostage takers escaped thus,in mistaking them as hostages, giving the three a free ride home. What Janet kept from Dova up until the very last moment is that her son like the person whom the police and FBI are really after is one of the hostages!

Kevin Spacey directed film that comes across much like the Humphrey Bogart & Bette Davis 1936 crime classic "The Petrified Forest" with a lot more meat or story to it. With a totally unexpected and heart dropping ending that would not have been possible back then in 1936 due to the prudish and "My way or the highway" moral constraints of the then powerful Hollywood Hayes Commission.
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