Worth Watch & Streaming On Netflix
23 February 2012
I'm a civilian and love my men and women that have served, and continue to serve, our great country.

To me, for better or worse, this documentary just tries to be honest. The images and facts of war can be difficult to watch, but sometimes what war can do to an individual, can be equally tough to witness.

Although this documentary is focused on one individual, I feel that it might be applicable to a great number of our armed forces, that return home wounded. This particular hero is back home trying to recover from a pretty serious injury and all he can think about is getting back out there.

What's most humbling to me, is that you get to see how much effort, time, love and passion that it takes to mentally and physically try to recover from war. Those closest to the wounded, ultimately share in their soldier's sacrifice.

Ultimately, I feel that when I say "thank you for your service", it clearly isn't enough. Feel free to acknowledge the care givers as well, it looks awfully hard on them too.

Thanks to our great men and women of our armed forces!!!
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