Trash Humpers (2009)
The Humpty Dance
15 February 2012
TRASH HUMPERS (dir. Harmony Korine) A Transgressive Festival of The Grotesque which appears to be a crude extrapolation of Dogme 95, Cinema Verite, and Bill Griffith's comic strip, ZIPPY THE PINHEAD. The film features a "loser-gang cult-freak collective", and is shot on poor-quality VHS with a minimum of production values. The actors are made-up to appear retirement age or more, and this adds an off-beat and twisted unreality to the film which would not work if the characters had been younger. It's very hard to accept people of this age to act in such an uncivilized manner, and it also introduces an inadvertent element of tenderness from time to time. 500 copies of the soundtrack to the film were released with each sleeve "hand-filthed" and signed by director Harmony Korine. PROCEED AT YOUR OWN RISK.
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