Next Day Air (2009)
Any dumber and it would club itself to death
2 February 2012
I'm trying hard not to think all that stuff is right about Mayan doomsday later this year. Over the weekend, I saw a grating 15 minutes of this atrocity (that's all I could STAND) and was sure it's a sign End Times are upon us. "Next Day Air" is stupid. It's loud. It's pointlessly violent. It's an Egyptian soccer match of a movie. In one scene, a character cuts out someone's tongue - and that's the punchline! Hilarious! Someone must tell Yazmin Deliz that no one is sitting around missing Rosie Perez performances; foul-mouthed and screeching just isn't attractive. I'd like to know who gave this piece of crap a green light. Who? Who could hate us so much as to allow this to be made? It earned just over $10 million box office on its release - domestic and foreign - which probably was far under its budget. Many here have noted the movie is unfunny. That description doesn't suffice. "Next Day Air" is anti-funny; it explodes any wit or comedy in comes in contact with.
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