yuppie tour de force against religion
28 January 2012
Started watching this and almost turned it off. It had all the makings of a yuppie fantasy with exotic intellectuals pretty people architecturally perfect settings and so on. Turned out I was wrong.

In fact the movie turned into a satire about religion, a lot of the characters I took as exotic yuppie fodder were meant to be parodies.

Almost passed up what might be a good film. I say might be because I had little immediate emotional or intellectual enjoyment. Also there is a big fat pseudo-intellectual element to the whole thing. The director writer etc... mentally buzzing on some high plunk down things they think are terribly clever such as a smiling Mona Lisa with moving lips the size of a room--which in fact are empty ideas. However, I always hope movies like this operate on my subconscious and leave some sort of useful traces there. Mostly they are disjointed nonsense my subconscious has to wall off.

We will see... don't recommend it...the satire on religion was a good idea but too much wacky junk.
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