It's soooo bad
24 January 2012
Tales of an Ancient Empire. The phrase, "I've seen better acting from extras in Godzilla movies," can be taken literally. As bad as the acting is, and it is the worst I've ever seen. This coming from someone who's watched Ed Wood movies without a laugh track, and Yor Hunter From the Future straight without MST3K commentary. I don't know that Anthony Hopkins, Robert Downey Jr., and the late great Heath Ledger trying to play at acting that badly could be so bad. As bad as the acting is, and it is just so bad, the writing's worse. My God, it's as if Uwe Boll were given a Michael Bay Plot treatment with George Lucas running script doctor on the dialog. Except that I think that would be better. I really truly do. Perhaps we could get the first graders from South Park Elementary to be the cast. So if you want to see a bad B-movie, for the love of God see something else. Watch Reindeer Games, watch a junior high fan fiction of Star Trek on youtube. In the name of all that is holy, watch C-SPAN!
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