Rather sticky, but watchable.
17 December 2011
Warning: Spoilers
In this film, Barbara Stanwyck is suffering from SOMETHING horrid and is sent to a sanitarium. At first, I wondered if it was a killer STD! Why? Because, oddly, the film NEVER says what her mystery illness is! So, as the film progressed, I listened for clues as to what it was. It appears that it was TB--and you wonder why they never mentioned this. It's not like someone should feel embarrassed about this--and it was, unfortunately, a relatively common ailment back in the 1940s. Perhaps it being so common is why the disease isn't mentioned--maybe they just assumed people would think it's tuberculosis.

Regardless, it's a disease that keeps you beautiful and results in her being sent to a treatment center run by a strange and suave doctor (David Niven). All the women seem to fall for him and Babs is no exception. However, after being in treatment for an awfully long time, she is sick of being sick--especially when others she knows die. So, she takes off with a handsome playboy/race car driver (Richard Conte) and never tells him about her illness. What's next in this sticky-sweet drama? See it for yourself.

The bottom line is if you adore disease movies, you'll probably like it. I found it WAY overly dramatic and clichéd--but reasonably well-done and engaging. It's certainly NOT the highlight of the careers of any of the stars. My feeling is that it's a slightly silly time-passer and that is all.
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