Review of 51

51 (2011)
Its not as bad as some people make it out to be.
14 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
While this movie does have many cheesy parts to it, it is entertaining and is not boring. Again, it has clichéd and silly parts, but its not as bad as some of these reviews. For instance here is a Pro and Con of the movie:

Con: The aliens are rather goofy looking and are much scarier when they are not seen or even part of them are seen, because when their faces are shown, it is not scary and seems rather comical. Reminds me of the creatures in the movie CRITTERS.

Pro: There is plenty of blood for Gore fans.

It seems like a made for TV movie with an extra amount of Gore, but it is fast paced and there is suspense and the main characters shown do have a certain amount of depth to them, making you like them or hate them, at least you feel 'something' for them. Rachel Miner is an amazing actress and once again proves that she is good in anything, no matter how big the budget or how low the budget, she is a true gem to watch.

Since I cant imagine any of you not ever knowing anything about Roswell or Area 51, this movie would probably make no sense if you don't, and it does a good job in quenching your appetite for the real unknown and restricted Area 51, showing you what "could be" found there, and the positives and negatives of harboring alien life forms there.

There is one part that you will instantly think of the movie Aliens in when an alien comes face to face with military personnel however it no where near resembles the Alien in front of Sigourney Weaver and this should make you chuckle.

From a makeup artistry standpoint the aliens are not horribly made, they just are not scary when they are shown, of course this is an opinion and not fact. There are a few different alien types in this movie, one that resembles an octopus, one that resembles the clichéd 1950's alien from the Roswell photo, an alien that resembles a man covered in veins, and again something from the movie Critters. The special effects makeup team probably did the best they could with their budget and went from there. The blood and gore (ripped body parts) and blood splatter was very realistic looking and good job to the design team.

People LOVE to hate on movies and rip them apart. However, if you give this a chance and see it for what it is, a movie that entertains, then you will like it. Don't hate it based on someone else hating it. Form your own opinion.

All in all, this movie is entertaining and a fun watch. It cannot be taken seriously, like you could take Aliens or War of the Worlds seriously, it is out of that league, price range-budget, its a completely different movie, but it is what it is and it deserves a chance, while it may not be the best thing you've ever seen it certainly wont be the worst movie you have ever seen either and if you are a fan of Gore, this does have a lot of that.
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