Review of Miranda

Miranda (2009–2015)
"Miranda" is what I call Funny..........................
18 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
On the face of it,BBC would be the last place to see a comedy featuring a white middle class ungainly 34 year old virgin ex boarding school girl,but somehow Miss Hart has caused the corporation to put its obsession with underclass comedy to one side however temporarily and let the people of Surrey loose on our screens once again. The eponymous "Miranda"is fairly posh,articulate,self - aware,owner of a Joke Shop managed by her best friend(Ms Hadland)who is Abbott to her Costello. She has an appalling clinging mother(Ms Hodge) and an obsession with the chef in a nearby restaurant(the damnably nice Mr T.Ellis). The wonderful Ms Sally Phillips is her old school chum,a cock - eyed optimist in an uncaring world,unbearably irritating but kinda cute too who you can imagine organising midnight feasts in the dorm and hiding behind Miranda when the beak unexpectedly puts in an appearance. Miss Hart is adept at physical comedy and unless you are particularly ill - disposed towards seeing her fall over several times an episode you will find her very endearing. Nothing remotely "edgy" happens and you can safely watch it with your elderly aunt,a rare accolade in 2011.Indeed,tremendously "modern" viewers will find little to keep their attention - but does Miss Hart care?I rather think not. Together with "Outmubered",the best the BBC has offered for many years.
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