More smut than wit
29 August 2011
Warning: Spoilers
By the time the 'Carry On' series had got to this point all subtlety had been lost as had most of the regular cast. Only Kenneth Connor and Joan Simms appear here and the latter had a relatively small role. Connor plays Captain S. Melly who has just being given command of an anti-aircraft battery; he has a couple of problems however; it is a mixed squad whose personnel would rather be enjoying each others company than preparing to take on the Luftwaffe and they don't have a real gun. The film follows Melly and his Sergeant Major as they attempt to train the squad as well as trying to keep them out of each other's huts.

I was expecting this to be much worse when I saw how few of the regular cast were present… that isn't to say it is good; it just isn't terrible either. Connor does a decent job as Melly and Windsor Davies is great as Sergeant-Major 'Tiger' Bloomer even if the character is to all intents and purposes the same one he played in 'It Ain't Half Hot Mum' as he spends most of the time shouting and turning bright red. There are a few funny moments but many of the jokes are too puerile; thinking the aircraft name 'Fokker' is funny because it sounds like an obscenity is the sort of thing that would seem amusing to somebody in primary school but not to anybody much older. There were also a couple of topless scenes that seemed out of place in a Carry On film; the series was better when the humour was a little naughty without being blatantly smutty. I wouldn't recommend going out of ones way to watch this; if you want a good comedy set in war time Britain just watch an episode or two of 'Dad's Army'… they have far more laughs and actually feel as though they are set during war time.
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