Review of Hop

Hop (2011)
Alvin and the Chipmunks with bunnies!!!
13 July 2011
In the 2011 film Hop, the Easter Bunny is basically Santa Claus and its main character, EB, is just like Alvin (of Alvin and the Chipmunks). In fact, this movie is very similar to Alvin's movie. Alvin and Hop both feature live-action stars co-starring alongside computer-animated main characters. Both of these animated, central "cute" animals want/dream of becoming recording/rock star musicians (Alvin sings ... EB plays the drums). James Marsden (Enchanted, X-Men, 27 Dresses) steps into the role of Dave as the character Fred O'Hare (uh, get it ... hare!?!). And that is about it.

As for plot: EB has fled Easter Island (yes, THAT Easter Island; and yes, "lame"!) a couple of weeks before he is supposed to take on the title of THE Easter Bunny. He flees to Hollywood ("where all dreams come true") and meets up with the bumbling Marsden who doesn't know what he wants to do in life. Hint ... hint ... for future plot points!

EB(voiced by Russell Brand - Get Him to the Greek, Arthur, Despicable Me) is chased by a fairly tough bunch of Pink Berets who's mission is to bring him back to the island. While in LA, EB gets to meet and audition for David Hasselhoff (uh, talk about random) and his televised talent competition. I mean really!

The movie is short (luckily!) BUT rambling and devoid of anything great or meaningful. The character is cute BUT annoying and irritating and kind of selfish ... which doesn't make him a character I wanted to root for (and that the role/job of the Easter Bunny that EB is fleeing from doesn't ever come across as something dreadfully dream-killing). His plight is rather "ho-hum, poor you" (!) as he would only have to work-work ONE day a year (which leaves plenty of time to still rock a set of drums) as it is revealed that most of his work would be done by a large population of yellow chicks -- think Santa's elves and (boo!!!) the rip-offed Minions of Despicable Me!

It is kind of odd that such a bright and pastel-colored film with such cute animated characters (one even poops jellybeans!) would leave one with such a feeling of apathy. And ... so ... uhm ... ? But this is exactly how Hop made me feel.

I enjoyed the talking pig film Babe (LOVED it); but Hop lacks that genuine human feeling of OTHER talking animal movies ... it feels manufactured and painted like a brightly-colored (yet HOLLOW) Easter egg.
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