Review of Stone

Stone (2010)
WAYyyy Underrated and Misunderstood. It's a movie 100% about religion!
2 June 2011
This is a RELIGIOUS movie! Not a drama. Not a crime thriller. It's all about religion. It's like Crash but not about emotions and feelings. All about religion. I am so so sad that so many people missed what this movie is about. (to a large degree I fault marketing, reviewers, studio, for a wrong pitch, an attempt to broaden the market) Each character represents a religion: >Materialism/Atheism. >Mainstream Christianity. >Non-Traditional Non-Denominational Non-Western Reincarnational Personal Revelation. >And finally - a man in confusion. The Lost Hero, The Lost Man. The Agonized Agnostic. The four main characters and the director and the writer all get it. Even the name of the movie/character is straight religion. This movie is not genre-confused. It's not about aging, adultery, crime, punishment, or even morality. It's not about right and wrong. It's about reality belief systems and their structuring into religion. The storyline is just a vehicle for an in-depth display of variation in belief systems and how they affect the way we live our daily lives. This movie Needed these real pro actors to pull off this stunt, and they did. I loved it. We watch Norton go through a classic Heroic transformation. Even the ending was perfect, it's the second DeNiro starts to hear his sound. (Conroy re-hears her's) Jovovich as The Goddess Maya, all flesh, is part of, and at one with the material creation so hears no sound. She IS the Earth. I never had so much fun in my Comparative Religion course! I hope it gets its cult over time. It deserves it!
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