Did anybody read the screenplay?
28 May 2011
The list of people who should be shot, drawn and quartered, then shot again, include the screenwriter(s), the director, the producers, the actors, and I'll even throw in the caterer. Didn't anybody READ the screenplay? The premise is not bad--trapped in a cave-in, the guys eventually decide to eat each other, piecemeal (no pun intended). Right after the cave-in, our lead says, "We have no food and damn little water." Maybe two minutes of screen time later, all our guys are sporting bushy beards (tempus fugit), and one of the other actors says, "They should have found us TWO WEEKS ago." Excuse me? You guys were trapped without food or water (or internet access) for MORE THAN TWO WEEKS(!!!) and the only signs we see of it are you look like refugees from a Gillette commercial? No one seems to have lost weight, no one seems to be DEAD FROM STARVATION. And THEN, they all have the energy to pounce upon the victim and sever his arm? Please. When you start with a gigantic flaw of logic and reality so patently imbecilic, you cannot take anything that follows with the slightest punctillio of even suspended disbelief.
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