A good film but a pretty bad ending.
26 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This film has the distinction of being Mae West's movie debut. It also has the distinction of being one of her most enjoyable performances--as she plays a different sort of gal she played in later films. Now Mae is NOT the star of the film--clearly a supporting character. No, instead this is a George Raft film and while he's good in the film, the film ends so badly that he really looks like a total sap. That, combining by being a bit upstaged by West must have annoyed him...at least a bit.

The film is about Raft and his desire to be sophisticated and accepted by society. That's because he operates the fanciest and most respectable speakeasy in New York and he wants to feel accepted by his high-class clientèle. And, in particular, Raft has noticed a certain pretty lady (Constance Cummings) who has been coming there alone recently. He knows she has class and wants to make a great impression on her.

This leads to the most wonderful part of the film--the big fancy night Raft plans with Cummings. Because he's just a mug, he decides to have his 'class' teachers (Alison Skipworth) sit in on the dinner. This isn't a bad idea necessarily, but when an old friend (Mae West) shows up (as well as a VERY crazy ex-girlfriend), things seem to completely fall apart. BUT, oddly, through this, he manages to win Cummings...or at least temporarily.

What follows is interesting. You learn that although Cummings supposedly has class, she is a very class-less person. And Raft realizes, he's too good for her! Now this is a GREAT idea..and the film really hooked me. However, the ending of the film COMPLETELY mucks up this great message! Grrrr, did this make me mad! Fortunately, the various scenes with Skipworth and West were so good that it STILL makes it all worth watching. I was surprised, as I really have never liked West in films in the past. I think the differences this time are that she is a supporting character AND she didn't play the 'awsomely irresistible dame' she did in other films--something that frankly made no sense since she was WAY too old and 'seasoned' to be so ridiculously desirable (she even did this in film into her 80s!!! YECK!!).

Overall, a very auspicious start and a film that really hooked me...until a really stupid ending.
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