Western Union (1941)
The best place to be alone sometimes is in a crowd.
21 May 2011
Western Union is directed by Fritz Lang and written by Robert Carson who adapts from the Zane Grey novel of the same name. It stars Robert Young, Randolph Scott, Dean Jagger, Barton MacLane and Virginia Gilmore. Music is by David Buttolph and R.H. Bassett, and cinematography by Edward Cronjager and Allen M. Davey. It's a Technicolor production out of 20th Century Fox and locations used for the shoot were House Rock Canyon, Arizona, and Kanab and Zion National Park in Utah. Plot finds Scott as outlaw Vance Shaw, who in an attempt to reform himself joins the company wiring the Great Plains for telegraph service in 1861. However, the Western Union is meeting resistance, from both the Native Americans and Vance's old gang, while there's also a love triangle forming between Vance, Sue Creighton (Gilmore) and tenderfoot Richard Blake (Young). It's all going to come to a head...

Fritz Lang's second Western after The Return of Frank James (1940), Western Union is at times exciting, always brisk, but lacking a claustrophobic edge so befitting the director's trade marks. Which is surprising considering this was the one Western he had the most control over. But with an almost patriotic fervour pulsing throughout and the outdoor locations wonderfully utilised, it's a Western movie that's easy to revisit for further inspection. The final third takes the film down a darker road, where it lifts the film out of the conventional story rut, and Lang and Cronjager produce memorable scenes and camera work to seal the deal. Cast wise it's Scott who is the stand out, as the man trying to do good as his past closes in, and Jagger provides earthy appeal as Western Union boss man Edward Creighton. Gilmore is weak and Young, while adequate playing a tenderfoot, just never convinces as things get serious. Best to look at the minor support slots for acting value, where the likes of John Carradine, Slim Summerville and Chill Wills provide some quality. 7/10
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