The Rifleman (1958–1963)
200 channels on cable TV.....and nothing comes close this old show
12 May 2011
I'm 43 and have loved this show since I was a kid - and it was in reruns then. It's special in so many ways.

The open affection between father and son (a rarity in the '50's). The moral lessons that are woven into the narrative - without seeming preachy. The faith in the basic decency and goodness of people. The urge to help others out, even if there isn't an obvious reward. The humor, the heart, and the warmth of the principal characters (all wonderfully played by the actors who give them life).

In addition to this, there's the writing! I tend to drift with modern shows, even my favorites - but I always pay attention when I'm watching The Riflemen. TV writers could learn something from this show which presented all of the above qualities *and* an engaging entertaining story, lasting only about half an hour.

No, it's not reality - or even realism - and thank God! I've had enough of that after an 8 hour day. Keep your Housewives of Whatever! And your LO:SVU! Give me the Rifleman any day!
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