Wow,,,this film tries way too hard and a good cast is wasted.
7 May 2011
Wow...this movie was so bad that I couldn't even finish it! That's amazing, as I have an ALMOST limitless ability to watch crappy films. I think the reasons I couldn't stick with this one were because it totally wasted a good cast, it tried WAY too hard to be cute and the film was also a sexist mess. So, despite having said I'd watch almost anything with David Niven in it, I'll put this with a few of his films that are simply unwatchable messes--such as "Casino Royale" (1967) and the final Pink Panther film in which he appeared (he was so sick that his lines had to be dubbed by another actor and Peter Sellers wasn't even in the film except for scenes with stock footage).

The film begins with a photographer (Niven) from a magazine is on his way to interview a lady who wrote a book called "The Lady Says No". When he meets her (Joan Caulfield) and her aunt (Frances Bavier) he assumes the older lady wrote the book. After all, he reasons, only an old biddy would write such a dumb book about men and women and relationships!!! He even goes on to SAY this--proving he's a sexist jerk. As for the rest of the film I could stand watching, you see Niven repeatedly act like a boorish sexist--and he seems half asleep in the film. Perhaps he was just too embarrassed by the craptitude of the script. Caulfield seemed to take it a bit more seriously, but even her attempts to make this film watchable were in vain. Overall, it's clichéd, badly written and annoying...and those are only its GOOD points. I can EASILY understand why the studio allowed this movie to pass into the public domain!!
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