Killer Bud (2001)
One of the best stoner comedies!
1 May 2011
Buddy/stoner comedies will never go out of style. In one hundred years from now there will still be guys sitting on the couch, smoking weed, and it will still be funny. While the 90's and early 2000's were filled with weed comedies few were actually funny. Surprisingly enough, Killer Bud is at the top of the list.

The secret to Killer Bud's success is it stars David Faustino (Bud Bundy) and everyone's favorite Ferris Bueller rip off, Corey Nemic, two underrated comic geniuses (and I DO use that term lightly!) that hold together an interesting, but wandering weed epic that keeps it's steam all the way through. The story follows Waylon and Buzz after they were fired from an elderly hospital for getting beaten up by the old people. They go to a bar to drown their sorrows where they meet two young ladies looking for a little marijuana. This simple request sets off an odyssey that could only be told in 2001.

Unlike other classic stoner films like Half Baked, Homegrown and Stoned Age, Killer Bud has no true plot or structure but instead, much like the confused stoner who watches it, the film wanders through strange locations, colorful characters and some awesome claymation to give you exactly what you want when you get high. After you've finished watching Killer Bud you won't know what you've seen but you had a good time!
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