Review of Fascination

Fascination (2004)
OK--it's terrible but I had fun watching it.
7 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Maureen Doherty's (Jacqueline Bisset) husband Patrick (top billed James Naughton who has about 10 minutes total screen time) dies in an accident. His son Scott (Adam Garcia) is devastated. Within a few weeks Maureen meets Oliver Vance (Stuart Wilson) on a cruise and falls in love. She wants to marry him. Scott isn't too happy till he meets Oliver's daughter Kelly (Alice Evans) and falls for HER! Then he discovers there may be something fishy about his dad's "accident"...

OK--this is a terrible film (Garcia said as much). I can see why it only played on 10 screens in the US. The plot twists were screamingly obvious and the movie got sillier (and stupider) as it went on. The dialogue is just TERRIBLE and I think the cast knew it--Garcia looks like he's trying not to laugh a few times! And the ending has one character doing a COMPLETE turn around in his attitude (so we can have a totally ridiculous happy ending). Still I didn't hate the movie. The locations are beautiful (I think it was shot in Puerto Rico) and the music score is nice. Garcia is a very handsome man and walks around with his shirt open 99.9% of the time showing his nice body. The soft core sex scenes between Garcia and Evans are actually pretty erotic--Evans bares her breasts, Garcia bares his butt. The acting is as good as it can be. Bisset and Wilson are VERY good. Garcia is too but occasionally has this "what am I doing in this crap" look in his eyes. Evans is good but gives away her character too early. Also the movie is fast-paced so you don't have time to think of the gaps in logic...and there are PLENTY of those!

So it's NOT a good film but the fast pace, beautiful locations and nice bodies of Garcia and Evans make it bearable. Almost worth watching for some truly incredible plot twists.
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