Worth watching
30 December 2010
First off all Danny Dyer fans might be disappointed as his character has very little time on the screen.

You can ignore the claim by Ty Power that the film tells the story of a cataclysmic event that leaves only 7 remaining people on earth and their desperate struggle to understand the events as they are hunted one by one by a demonic power.

All we know right up until the end is that the 7 people find themselves in one small part of London that is completely deserted and they don't know why they are alone or how they got there. It's true that some of them are hunted by Danny Dyer as "the Angel of Death" but the clue is in the name "Angel" not demon.

Mostly the acting is good and Ronan Vibert deserves a mention as he stood out from the others, but the Henry Chambers character just doesn't cut it and I cannot tell if that's because the acting is below par or he had a poor script. Whilst on the subject of the script why is it that every film Dyer is in, the F**K word has to be repeated so many times. It is sometimes needed because Gosh or Blast is not enough but all too often it appears as nothing more than a filler to be used whenever the writer cannot be bothered to write. Perhaps Dyer has a clause that says any film he is in "must have a F**king F**K word every F**king three or four F**king words" There are a couple of twists at the end which add to the film and I would happily watch this again one quiet afternoon when nothing else was on.
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