Brothers War (2009)
Bad story plus worse timing equals--propaganda?
18 December 2010
When all sides are villains, then all that's left to play hero is the featured motto: "order from chaos". And that is exactly the motto that nobody in the West wants to hear just now because its 21st Century translation reads alternately Problem-Reaction-Solution on one hand and Full-Spectrum Dominance on the other.

The film opens with the absurd turn-about claim that there were a few good apples in the otherwise rotten Third Reich barrel. The German Army "hero" had just finished four years of murdering 40 million Soviet civilians; but we are expected to believe that he is shocked to witness Russians executing about 20 members of the Polish government in exile. (More astonishing yet, there is no mention of the 20,000 Polish Army officers executed by Stalin.) Our One-Good-Apple-In-The-Rotten-Nazi-Barrel then teams up with an enemy: a stereotypical Broomstick-Up-The-You-Know-What British Army officer who claims to be an unspecified "military attaché". Together, they fight the evil greater than both of them combined: the Soviet Union's plans for post-war domination of eastern Europe, including of Germany.

Their sudden conversion to trans-national "brotherhood" follows discovery that they are both Freemasons. For those not up on current conspiracy theory lore, since 1717 the Freemasons have been one of the most notoriously secret of secret societies. Yes indeed, they were the very folks who brought us the equally notorious all-seeing eye at the peak of the pyramid on the back of the U.S. one dollar bill. Alex Jones and George Nouri fans know the Freemasons as the dreaded "Illuminati".

The Freemason motto, "order from chaos", is also said to be the motto of the Rothschild family, allegedly owners of one-third of all wealth in the world and backers of every central bank in the West since 1776, including the U.S. Federal Reserve as of 1913. Critics claim that the motto does not mean that they will restore order when others create chaos. Rather, it means that they will create chaos (the problem) in order to terrify citizens (the reaction), who will then beg bankers to save us all by taking control (the solution).

This tactic--also called "full-spectrum dominance"--rages across both Europe and America today; and Germany is as key a tool of today's bankers as it was in 1930. That was when the American Chase Bank, the American banker Prescott Bush (yes, THAT Bush family), American car maker Henry Ford, American IT inventor Thomas Watson (IBM) and American Telephone and Telegraph (ATT) created Adolph Hitler and financed him. It was also when American Margaret Sanger, together with American Bill Gates' father, taught Hitler's representatives the genocidal pseudo-science then called Eugenics but now called Planned Parenthood--which today takes credit for murdering 51% of African-Americans over the past 30 years.

And, lo and behold, here we have an American film on a crusade to rehabilitate the German soldier--just when Russia has succeeded in joining economic forces with various European nations and just when Germany alone has the power to collapse the Euro as the major rival to the U.S. dollar as world reserve currency.

Makers of this film are either astonishingly stupid or even more astonishingly well-paid to peddle pure propaganda disguised as history. Why stupid or well-paid? Is there even one way in which this story does not lead back to the Western banking establishment that has destroyed Europe and America so that it can now save them both with "order from chaos"?
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