Review of InAlienable

InAlienable (2007)
This film must have been conceived after a Sci-Fi convention
4 December 2010
That's all I can imagine. these washed up Science fiction actors from Battlestar Galactica, Star Trek and Babylon 5 all get together to make a movie, and only end up showing us how old some of them have gotten. Koenig, in particular, looks like the living dead in this movie. It's like they all got drunk in a bar after answering Sci-Fi nerds questions about what would happen if a Vulcan made love to a Minbari in a TARDIS, and said, "Dammit, we're actors! We can do better than this!" The movie's main flaw, besides its inherent cheapness, is that Richard Hatch of "Mormons in Space"... Er "Battlestar Galactica" fame still can't act or carry a film.

The plot is that an meteor carrying a life form attaches itself to Hatch's character, and turns into a horribly deformed Mini-me. Instead of the usual car chases and explosions (which would have cost money), they go to court like Law and Order. Doink-doink....
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